Office: H-1221 Budapest, Leányka str. 38. VI./39.
Telephone/Fax: +0036-1-229-0113
E-mail: szekely[at]sugallat[dot]hu
To whom we worked in the latter years
(our main employers and partners in alphabetical order)

Government bodies and institutions
  • 2008-2011: Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate; Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate; KDRFÜ; Kiskunság National Park Directorate; NYDRFÜ; National Development Agency; Pro Regio Non-profit Ltd.
  • 2005-2008: CFCU, ESF Non-profitmaking Ltd.; Delegation of European Union in Budapest; Ministry of Labour, Hungary Ministry of Economy and Transport; Ministry of Environment Protection and Water Management Directorate for Development; Hungarian Development Office Cohesion Fund Directing Authority; Ministry of Education; VÁTI Non-profit Ltd.

Local governments

  • 2008-2011: Ács, Badacsonytomaj; Budapest Capital; Budapest II. District; Csurgó; Dorog; Hajdúnánás; Halászi; Káld; Makó; Mezőszilas; Nyíregyháza; Sitke; Szigetszentmiklós; Szil; Táplánszentkereszt; Tótszerdahely; Vasvár; Vál
  • Érd and Area Parnership for Waste Water Drainage and Purification; Makó and Area Partnership for Waste Water Drainage; Veszprém and Area Partnership for Waste Water Drainage
  • 2005-2008: Bük, Eger, Győr, Hédervár, Ikrény, Nagybajcs, Nyíregyháza, Pornóapáti, Salgótarján, Somlójenő, Somlóvásárhely, Sopron, Székesfehérvár, Veszprém

Educational institutions

  • 2008-2011 : Puskás Tivadar Fém- és Villamosipari Szakképző Iskola
  • 2005-2008: Budapest College of Economics; Győr-Moson-Sopron County Pedagogical Institute; Karácsony Sándor Primary School, Budapest; Móra Ferenc General Cultural Centre, Mórahalom; University of West Hungary; Puskás Tivadar Vocational Training School, Szombathely; II. Rákóczi Ferenc Catholic Educational Centre, Csorna

Civil and other organisations

  • 2008-2011 : Association of Hungarian Animal Breeders; Hungarian Body of Standardization; Jövőkerék Public Foundation; Nékám Foundation; Menedék Foundation
  • 2005-2008: Impulzus Association, Szolnok; "SÓDERGÖDÖR" Building Estate, Budapest XIV. ker.; Institute for Social and European Studies Foundation (ISES); Condominium 1222 Budapest, Dévény str. 3.; Condominium 1222 Budapest, József Attila str 26.; Condominium 1222 Budapest, Magasház str 2.


  • 2008-2011: Accel Hunland Ltd.; Bilfinger-Berger Hungária Kft.; BFH Európa Ltd.; Hydea Ltd.; Makói Fürdőfejlesztő Ltd.; Paksi Ipari Park Ltd.; Poligon-Teta Mérnöki Iroda Kft.; SIG Solar Magyarország Kft.
  • 2005-2008: COWI Hungary Ltd, EconoConsult Ltd.; Főmterv Co.; Geohidroterv Ltd.; Hydea Ltd.; Hydro-ép Ltd.; Ingenieurbüro Dipl.-Ing. H. Vössing GmbH; MÁV Co. (Hungarian State Railways); Swietelsky Ltd.; Pharmegene-Farm Ltd.; Ring Engineering Office Ltd.; SADE Hungary Ltd.; TEERAG-ASDAG AG; UTIBER Ltd.; Uvaterv Co.